
Friday, February 10, 2012

weigh in & minor rant

Well, I was up .2 lbs at weigh in last night. 

I was really ticked at first until I remembered Superbowl Weekend happened.  But other than that, I thought I'd stayed on plan pretty well.  I'm doing well with doing my Leslie Sansone Walk At Home DVDs at least 3 times a week (how do those people manage to smile the entire workout???)

I stayed for the meeting, even tho I was rather disgusted.  As I was sitting there, I noticed the chart thingy that they use to explain the program to new people.  There was a big ol' picture of Jennifer Hudson, which makes sense she's the spokesperson, do de doh de doh.  Anyway - the quote that went with this gorgeous poster was "I get to look like this and all I have to do is track?" 

This is the source for my rant.  I have a hard time believing that someone who is rich and famous like JH actually has the time to go out grocery shopping and then actually cook for herself every day, like the rest of us nobodies do.  I'm sure there are chefs and personal trainers involved in her looking as good as she does.  Sure she may "track" what she eats, but someone else probably makes and perfectly portions out her meals.  I know if I had her $$ that's what I would do!!

So anyway, I'm not going to take the weekend off of tracking this time.  I am going to note everything I eat.  I have a sinking feeling that processed foods may be the culprit, even if I put it in eTools.  Crap!  Quick meals like that are so easy and they usually make my picky family happy.  GRRR.

So anyway....we finally are getting some snow!!  It started late this morning & now it looks like we have about 3 inches out there.  That's a drop in the bucket compared to what we're used to getting in SE Michigan.

Have a great weekend!!